On ‘My Portfolio – Reports’ by clicking on Capital Gain/Loss Statement you can view your Capital Gain/Loss Statement. By default it displays Capital Gain/Loss of the current Financial Year. You can change the Year by clicking on the drop down of the Financial Year which has 3 recent options.
You can also check your Gain/Loss for a particular duration by mentioning the ‘From’ ‘To’ dates in the date filter. Capital Gain/Loss Statement top section will show overall Short Term, Long Term, Speculative Gain/Loss & the Total Gain/Loss.
By selecting between with and without indexation options, you can view respective values of the Capital Gain loss details
Click here to know the steps on how to download the Capital Gain and Profit & Loss from portfolio on the Axis Direct portal. Click here to know the steps on how to download the Capital Gain and Profit & Loss from the RING Mobile app.