Are you in control of your tomorrow?

Let FinPlan help!

Why Financial Planning?
Financial Planning acts as a guide to your life journey by monitoring your income, expenses and investments; thereby helping you to achieve your financial goals like children higher education, home purchase, retirement planning, building wealth corpus, etc.

FinPlan options curated to serve your Financial Needs

Wealth Builder

A step closer to building wealth smartly

Based on your current financial status, the AI driven customized tool suggests financial planning, retirement planning, personalized investment analysis, avenues to grow your wealth & fiduciary ideas with transparency.

Get Started

Portfolio Doctor

Re-look at your investments with our expert guidance

Get a Portfolio Doctor to analyze your mutual fund investments, and act upon to maximize your investment.

Get Started

Tax Planner

Stay on top of your tax liabilities throughout the year

Tax planning ensures tax savings while also acting as the best saving financial vehicle.

Get Started

A powerful tool to achieve wealth creation goals

Eliminates Bias Advises

AI driven system, powered by Finbingo rely only on data. Since they are AI machine-driven, there is no room for emotions or gut feelings

Inculcates Discipline

AI Machines, by definition, are more precise than humans and cannot falter during times of market stress, whereas humans can.

Scientific Approach

A scientific technique that uses time-tested formulas to analyze provided investment prospects scientifically.

Spotting opportunities

AI scan through millions of data points every day, looking for both investment opportunities and red flags.

Quarterly Reviews

Periodic review of the investments is one of the best way to get wealth maximisation.

Caters to every type of investor

FinPlan provides suggestions, regardless of investment size and profile.

Scientifically Designed Platform for you to achieve your financial goals

A digital platform that equips you with the solutions to put your financial plans into actions

Capture Financial Information

Collect the required set of data to assess your financial capability and ability to take risks.

Financial Analysis

Unbiased, objective and yet customized expert suggestions to build a 360 degree Financial Plan to reach your financial goals.


Provides you with a single snapshot of all your money - investments, expenses, liabilities, etc.

Begin My Financial Planning

Few simple steps for you to put your plans in to actions

Wealth Builder

Step 1: Input Investment Data

Step 2: Set Your Financial Life Goals

Step 3: Find Out Where You Stand

Step 4: Get Your Customized Financial Planning Report

Portfolio Doctor

Step 1: Provide your PAN and Email through which you made investments

Step 2: Upload your CAS

Step 3: View/Download your mutual fund portfolio analysis

Tax Planner

Step 1: Input your approximate income & current tax investments

Step 2: Get Tax Saving Investment Suggestions

Step 3: Download your customized Financial Planning Report


More from Financial Planning

Level up your understanding on financial planning with some good reads!


Financial Planning – Need & Way Forward

Following a systematic approach for financial planning is an excellent method to keep a track of our spending and saving.



How is Financial Planning different from Investment Planning?

Your financial plan serves as a framework for defining your objectives, risks, and reward of your return.



Wealth Creation and Retirement Planning

Income, income growth, and capital growth are all possible outcomes of long-term investing.


Regulatory Disclosure

SSBA Innovations Private Limited (Trade name: is a SEBI Registered Investment Advisor – INA000012166.
SEBI requires RIA’s disclose complaint on their website. FinPlan is a financial planning and wealth building platform powered by Finbingo that analyses all financial areas and suggests financial investments that are best suited for you in meeting your life goals.Finbingo is a SEBI registered Investment advisor vide SEBI Registration number INA000012166. Pursuant to the same, please see below-

Number of complaints as on 31st January 2025
At the beginning of month Received during month Resolved during month Pending at the end of month Reason for pending status
0 0 0 0 0

FinPlan - Terms & Conditions

Third Party Disclaimer
  • You are being redirected to the website of SSBA Innovations Private Limited (Trade name: Finbingo).
  • Axis Securities Limited ("ASL" or "Referrer") is hereby introducing third party Advisory/Financial Planning Products/Services to its Axis Direct clients / accountholders by allowing SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India) Registered Investment Adviser ("the RIA") to use its website for Customer referrals.
  • By selecting the Advisory Product/s and accepting these terms the client provides an express consent to disclosure of client's personal confidential data by ASL to the RIA, to fulfill the onboarding documentation / KYC requirement and other due diligence.
  • The client shall not disclose any confidential information of ASL, or the RIA to persons not authorized to have any access to the same
  • The client shall promptly provide such written declaration, confirmations, information, documents, proofs, certificates, etc., and supporting documents as required by ASL on behalf of the RIA from time to time
  • All subsequent matters relating to client's relationship with RIA will be conducted between client and the RIA directly, and client undertakes not to hold ASL liable either financially or non – financially for any, contentions, disputes, obligations, or any other matter arising between client and the RIA. ASL is also not liable for any platform disruptions at its end or at the end of the RIA.
  • The recommendations of the RIA are not endorsed by ASL and do not constitute ASL's obligation. ASL does not hold itself out as a sub-advisor or agent of the RIA and is only providing a referral service to third party Advisers for a referral commission.
  • The client is aware that ASL is only acting a Referrer, and the client is not obliged to execute the transactions recommended by the RIA through the ASL/ Axis Direct platform. In fact ASL only offers regular plans and does not offer the direct plans advised by the RIA and clients can execute the same directly with the AMC, or execute regular plans through any other distributors / brokers of their choice.
  • The client shall carry out an independent due diligence of the RIA and the recommendations under its advice. No advice shall be provided by ASL under this service as it only provides an execution platform, nor is there any inducement by it to enter into any relationship with the RIA or in the selection of the Product(s)/service(s) of the RIA
  • The client is aware that the RIA will process their application and onboard client/s only on receipt of all the required information and execution of the Investment Advisory agreement. The RIA / Referrer has the right to reject any application without giving any reason and shall not be held liable for any delay or rejection
  • The client/s already availing Investment Advisory services or have entered into an Investment Advisory Agreement with ASL's own advisory services division or with any of its Group companies shall refrain from opting for this Product without terminating their advisory services agreement with ASL
  • The clients is aware that all third party products and services where ASL is just acting as a Referrer such as the Advisory Products / services are not considered Exchange-traded products and all disputes with respect to the same would not have access to the Exchanges' investor redressal forum or Arbitration mechanism.
  • The client has knowledge of the capital market and understand that investment in securities are subject to market risk, tax risk and that Net Asset Value of their investments may increase or decrease depending on the factors and forces affecting the securities markets and neither the Referrer nor the RIA has directly / indirectly given any guarantee/ warranty of any minimum / assured returns. The clients urged to read the related documents carefully.
  • You shall access the website of Finbingo (RIA) solely for the purpose of planning your finances , as per the facilities and features provided by Finbingo ("Financial Advisor") and understand and acknowledge that availing of any services offered on the website or any reliance on any information available on the website shall be at your sole risk.Axis Securities Limited (ASL) does not guarantee or warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information or advice displayed on the website of Finbingo.
  • ASL ("Referrer") and its affiliates, employees, officers, directors and agents expressly disclaim any liability (in contract or tort or under statute or otherwise) for the deficiency, if any, in the services provided by Finbingo or its associates or due to failure or disruption of the website of Finbingo or resulting from an act or omission of any other party involved in making the website or the data contained therein, or from any other cause relating to your access to, inability to access or use of the website or the materials of Finbingo or any other loss arising out of or in connection therewith.
  • ASL's role here is limited to a Referrer. Once customers have been referred, they directly have a contractual relationship with Finbingo. ASL and any of its employees, agents, affiliates, or representatives will not be held liable for any products, services or recommendations provided by Finbingo. Any service request, complaints, grievances will be addressed by the Customer directly to the Seller, and ASL will not be held liable either financially or non – financially for the same or for any issues, contentions, disputes, or obligations, or for any other matter arising thereto.
  • The services on the website are provided by Finbingo or its associates and you shall be obliged to adhere to the 'Terms of Use', 'Privacy Policy', 'Terms & Conditions'if any prescribed thereinfrom time to time for availing the products and services.
  • The Referrer / ASL is authorized to receive / obtain details of the product/services purchased by you from the RIA, for its records, in such manner / channel as may be mutually agreed between the Referrer and the RIA.

T&C for Financial Planning (FinPlan) Product/Service
  • ASL and the Financial Advisor also retain the right to forfeit the subscription fees, upto a quarter, if the service is not utilized by the client despite paying for the same
  • The subscription amount for the plans provided under the product can be revised anytime, at the discretion of both parties, without any prior intimation to the customers.