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At your request you are being redirected to a third party website wherein you can file your tax returns online. AxisDirect does not guarantee or warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information, materials, services or the reliability of any service, advice, opinion, statement or other information displayed or distributed on third party website. You shall access this website solely for purposes of tax e-filing and you understand and acknowledge that availing of any services offered on the website or any reliance on any opinion, advice, statement, memorandum, or information available on the website shall be at your sole risk. AxisDirect and its parent, affiliates, subsidiaries, employees, officers, directors and agents expressly disclaim any liability (in contract or tort or under statute or otherwise) for the deficiency in the services offered by TaxSpanner whose website you are about to access. Neither AxisDirect nor its parent nor any of its affiliates nor their directors, officers and employees will be liable or have any responsibility of any kind for any economic loss or damage that you incur/suffer in the event of any deficiency in the services offered by TaxSpanner to whom the website belongs, failure or disruption of the website of TaxSpanner or resulting from act or omission of any other party involved in making this website or the data contained therein available to you, or from any other cause relating to your access to, inability to access or use of the website or these materials or any other loss arising out in connection with this arrangement. You shall be solely responsible to provide all the information / documents, complete in all respects, as may be requested by TaxSpanner, which will be required for preparation of tax return. AxisDirect shall not be liable for any liability of tax or any other amount payable on account of assessment proceedings, appellate proceedings or any other proceedings under the Income Tax Act, 1961. The services are provided by TaxSpanner and the Customer shall be obliged to adhere the ‘Terms of Use’ , ‘Privacy Policy’ prescribed by TaxSpanner from time to time for availing its products and services.

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