Market Snapshot
  • BSE Sensex: 77606.43 0.41%
  • BSE 500: 33711.61 0.65%
  • BSE 200: 10645.41 0.61%
  • BSE 100: 24671.8 0.61%
  • BSE MidCap: 41817.03 0.46%
  • BSE SmallCap: 46803.65 0.90%
  • BSE BANKEX: 59329.02 0.67%
  • BSE IT: 36773.36 0.40%
  • Nifty 50: 23591.95 0.45%
  • Nifty 500: 21407.95 0.62%
  • Nifty 200: 13029.2 0.60%
  • Nifty 100: 24145.05 0.64%
  • Nifty Midcap 100: 51839.4 0.37%
  • Nifty Small 100: 16119.85 1.15%
  • Nifty IT: 37548.3 0.57%
  • Nifty PSU Bank: 6296.15 2.50%
  • Ashok Leyland slips as promote...
  • Newgen Software Tech gains aft...
  • Mahindra EPC Irrigation bags c...
  • Dixon Tech gains on partnering...
  • United Spirits rallies on appo...
  • Euro to INR:  92.52 -0.21%
  • Pound to INR:  110.79 -0.01%
  • Yen to INR:  0.57 -0.14%
  • Dollar to INR:  85.65 -0.06%
My Portfolio:
  • 0.00 0

List of Stocks in India

R G F Capital
R J Bio-Tech
R J Shah & Co
R K Swamy
R M Drip & Sprin
R O Jewels
R R Fin. Cons.
R R Kabel
R R Securities
R S Software (I)
R Shares Sensex
R Systems Intl.
R&B Denims
Raaj Medisafe
Raasi Refractor
Race Eco
Rachana Infra.
RACL Geartech
Raconteur Global
Radaan Media.
Radha Madh.Corp.
Radhagobind Comm
Radhe Develop.
Radhika Jeweltec
Radiant Cash
Radico Khaitan
Radix Industries
Raghav Product.
Raghunath Intl.
Raghuvansh Agro.
Raghuvir Synth
Raideep Industri
Rail Vikas
Railtel Corpn.
Rain Industries
Rainbow Child.
Rainbow Denim
Rainbow Foundat.
Rainbow Papers
Raj Oil Mills
Raj Packaging
Raj Rayon Inds.
Raj Television
Raja Bahadur Int
Rajapalayam Mill
Rajas. Petro Syn
Rajas. Tube Mfg
Rajasthan Cylind
Rajasthan Gases
Rajath Finance
Rajdarshan Inds
Rajendra Cater.
Rajesh Exports
Rajesh Power
Rajeshwari Cans
Rajeswari Infra.
Rajgor Castor
Rajkamal Synth.
Rajkot Inv.Trust
Rajnandini Metal
Rajnish Retail
Rajnish Wellness
Rajoo Engineers
Rajputana Bio.
Rajputana Invest
Rajratan Global
Rajsanket Realty
Rajshree Polypac
Rajshree Sugars
Rajvi Logitrade
Rajvir Inds.
Rallis India
Ram Info
Ram Minerals
Ram Ratna Wires
Rama Paper Mills
Rama Petrochem
Rama Phosphates
Rama Steel Tubes
Rama Vision
Ramasigns Indus.
Ramchandra Leas.
Ramco Inds.
Ramco Systems
Ramdevbaba Sol.
Ramgopal Polytex
Ramkrishna Forg.
Ramky Infra
Ramsarup Inds.
Ramsons Projects
Ramsunar Rolst.
Rana Sugars
Rander Corpn.
Rane (Madras)
Rane Brake Lin.
Rane Computers
Rane Engine Val.
Rane Holdings
Ranjeet Mechatr.
Ranjit Securitie
Rap Media
Rapicut Carbides
Rapid Invest.
Rapid Multimodal
Rappid Valves
Ras Resorts
Rasandik Engg.
Rashi Peripheral
Rasi Electrodes
Rategain Travel
Rathi Bars
Rathi Graphic
Rathi Steel
Ratnabhumi Dev.
Ratnamani Metals
Ratnaveer Precis
RattanIndia Ent
RattanIndia Pow.
Raunaq Intl.
Ravi Leela Gran
Ravikumar Distll
Ravinder Heights
Ravindra Energy
Raw Edge Indust.
Raymed Labs
Raymond Lifestyl
RBL Bank
RBM Infracon
RBZ Jewellers Lt
RCC Cements
RCI Industries
RDB Infrastruc.
RDB Rasayans
RDB Real Estate
Ready Foods
Readymix Cons.
Real Eco-Energy
Real Growth
Real Touch Fin
Reetech Intl
Refex Industries
Refex Renewables
Regal Entertain.
Regency Ceramics
Regency Fincorp
Regent Enterp.
Regis Industries
Rekvina Labs
Rel. Chemotex
Rel. Indl. Infra
Relaxo Footwear
Reliable Data
Reliable Ventur.
Reliance Communi
Reliance Home
Reliance Inds PP
Reliance Industr
Reliance Infra.
Reliance Power
Relic Tech.
Relicab Cable
Religare Enterp.
Relstruct Build
Remedium Life
Remi Edelstahl
Remsons Ind
Remus Pharma.
Renaiss. Global
Repco Home Fin
Repro India
Resonance Speci.
Response Info.
Responsive Ind
Restaurant Brand
Restile Ceramics
Resurgere Mines
Retina Paints
Retro Green
Revathi Equip
Revati Organics
Rex Pipes&Cables
Rex Sealing
Rexnord Electr.
Rexpro Enter.
Rhetan TMT Ltd
RHI Magnesita
Riba Textiles
Rich Universe
Richa Industries
Richa Info
Richfield Fin
Rico Auto Inds
Riddhi Corporate
Riddhi Siddhi Gl
Riddhi Steel
Ridhi Synthetics
Ridings Consult.
Riga Sugar Co
Rikhav Securitie
RIR Power Electr
Risa Internatio.
Rishabh Instrum.
Rishabh Sp. Yarn
Rishi Laser
Rishi Techtex
Rita Finance and
Ritco Logistics
Rite Zone
Ritesh Intl.
Rithwik Facility
RKB Agro Indust.
RKD Agri
RKEC Projects
RMC Switchgears
Roadstar Infra
Robust Hotels
Rockingdeals Cir
Rodium Realty
Rohit Ferro Tech
Rolcon Engg. Co.
Rolex Rings
Rolta India
Roni Households
Roopa Industries
Roopshri Resorts
Rose Merc.
Roselabs Finance
RoseLabs Ltd
Rossari Biotech
Rossell India
Rossell Techsys
Roto Pumps
Rotographics (I)
Route Mobile
ROX Hi-Tech
Royal Arc
Royal Cush. Vin.
Royal India Corp
Royal Orch.Hotel
Royale Manor
RPG LifeScience.
RPP Infra PP
RPP Infra Proj.
RPSG Ventures
RR Metalmakers
RSC Internl.
RSD Finance
RTS Power Corpn.
Rubfila Intl.
Ruby Cables
Ruby Mills
Ruchi Infrastr.
Ruchira Papers
Rudra Ecovation
Rudra Gas
Rudra Global
Rudrabhish. Ent.
Runeecha Textile
Rungta Irrig. PP
Rungta Irrigatn.
Rupa & Co
Rushabh Prec.
Rushil Decor
Rushil Decor PP