Market Snapshot
  • BSE Sensex: 78017.19 0.04%
  • BSE 500: 33761.03 -0.45%
  • BSE 200: 10658.5 -0.34%
  • BSE 100: 24714.12 -0.19%
  • BSE MidCap: 41904.81 -1.13%
  • BSE SmallCap: 47070.4 -1.63%
  • BSE BANKEX: 59580.13 -0.11%
  • BSE IT: 37040.19 1.17%
  • Nifty 50: 23668.65 0.04%
  • Nifty 500: 21437.75 -0.47%
  • Nifty 200: 13041.25 -0.36%
  • Nifty 100: 24159.9 -0.22%
  • Nifty Midcap 100: 51969.75 -1.06%
  • Nifty Small 100: 16108.9 -1.56%
  • Nifty IT: 37706.9 1.32%
  • Nifty PSU Bank: 6216.95 -1.73%
  • NSE SME IPO of ATC Energies Sy...
  • Texmaco Rail appoints Kishor K...
  • Kesoram Industries Ltd leads l...
  • Trishakti Industries secures R...
  • L&T?s Cloudfiniti division ink...
  • Euro to INR: 92.96 -0.89%
  • Pound to INR: 111.05 -0.85%
  • Yen to INR: 0.58 -0.90%
  • Dollar to INR: 85.98 -0.40%
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Invest in Mutual Funds

Your money in Professional hands

Too busy to track your investments? Let professionals do it for you. With our Mutual Fund platform, you also get the flexibility to choose from more than 6000 schemes across 23 Mutual Fund companies

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  • While stock market investments offer higher returns, they need to be actively managed in order to buy and sell shares at the right time in order to maximize profits. It also requires you to keep a track of latest happening in the domestic and global marketas they may impact market sentiment. This takes time and effort that not everyone can set aside. This is why Mutual Funds are a good option of investment.

    Investing in a Mutual Fund is like systematically investing in the right stocks at the right time. Many believe in doing this themselves but handling stock portfolios is perhaps best left to the expert Fund Managers who have witnessedmany market cycles going up and down and a proven track record of making the scheme perform better than benchmark indices.

    Since qualified professionals manage your money, backed by a research team who constantly analyze and track the market, your money is invested in stocks and bonds that have the highest potential to maximize your returns. What's more, with the power of compounding, your returns are invested right back into the fund allowing your money to multiply even faster.

    We at AxisDirect present the best Mutual Fund Ideas which can meet your set goals over varied time horizons. Invest in schemes by refining your search by applying various filters e.g. fund category& sub-category, investment horizon, risk grade etc.

    Types of Mutual Funds:

    Money Market Funds - Money Market Funds are open ended Mutual Funds that invest in short term debt and securities. These are considered as safe as bank deposits while giving a higher return in comparison to banks.

    Income Funds - Income funds are mutual funds that generate an income stream for shareholders by investing in securities that offer interest payments or dividends. The funds can hold preferred stock, common stock, bonds or even real estate investment trusts (REITs).

    Bond Funds - A bond fund typically invests in debt securities or bonds . They usually pay out periodic dividends that include interest payments.

    Balanced Funds - A balanced fund is an attractive option for intermediate-term investors. Balanced funds, also known as hybrid funds, own both stocks and bonds. They earn the "balanced" term by keeping a balance between the two asset classes pretty steady, typically placing about 60% of their assets in stocks and 40% in bonds.

    Equity Funds - Equity funds are mutual funds that invest primarily in stocks. They can be actively or passively (index fund) managed. Equity funds are also known as stock funds.

    Global/International Funds - International funds consist of securities from all countries except the investor's own home country. The objective here is to provide diversification outside of the investor's domestic investments.

    Regional Funds - Regional funds are mutual funds that have fund managers investing in companies from a particular geographic location.

    Index Funds - Index funds are a type of mutual fund with a portfolio built to match a market index, such as the Nifty 100. An index mutual fund is said to provide broad market exposure, low operating expenses and low portfolio turnover.

    Exchange Traded Funds - Exchange Traded Funds are basically Index Funds but they are listed and traded on exchanges like stocks. They enable investors to gain exposure to stock markets in different Countries and specific sectors with ease, on a real-time basis and at a lower cost than many other forms of investing.

    Fixed Income Funds - Fixed income funds are mutual funds which give you returns at fixed intervals - monthly, quarterly or half yearly. The income may or may not be fixed at the time of initial investment and may or may not depend on the performance of the fund.

    Speciality Funds - Specialty funds are a type of mutual fund that focuses their equity investing within a specific industry or sector of the economy. Some specialty funds cover broad sectors and others direct their investments on an industry group within a sector.

    Hybrid Funds - Hybrid funds are mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that invest in more than one type of investment security, such as stocks and bonds.

Why Mutual Funds?

  • Professionally Managed

    Professional Fund Managers smartly invest your money by picking investment opportunities.

  • Diversification

    Investment across sectors helps you diversify your portfolio.

  • Liquidity

    Ease of investing and withdrawing at any point of time.

  • Transparency

    Get regular update on the value of your investment.

  • Well Regulated

    Regulated by SEBI to protect your interest.

  • ZERO Transaction Cost

    We charge no transaction fee on Mutual Fund Investments.

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  • Live Markets

    Stay updated with best performing funds, new fund offers and more

  • Research Ideas

    Get MF ideas which can meet your set goals over varied time horizons

  • Research Reports

    Gain indepth insights into mutual fund schemes and fund houses

  • Learn to Invest

    Learn about mutual funds with our fun-filled courses                          

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