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Return (1Y)
underperformed BSE Healthcare TRI by -34.20%
Less Volatile
Standard Deviation (1Y)
Lower Equity - Pharma by -0.35%
Has underperformed Equity - Pharma
Value research rating
Not Rated
Stock Composition
Scheme Trivia
DSP Healthcare Fund (G) fund has been the 9th best in 5Y performance in the Equity - Pharma category
DSP Healthcare Fund (G) fund has been the 9th best in 3Y performance in the Equity - Pharma category
DSP Healthcare Fund (G) fund has been the 9th best in 5Y performance in the Equity - Pharma category
DSP Healthcare Fund (G) fund has been given the 8th best Risk adjusted performance for the past 5Y in the Equity - Pharma category
DSP Healthcare Fund (G) fund has been the 9th best in 3Y performance in the Equity - Pharma category
DSP Healthcare Fund (G) fund has been the 9th best in 5Y performance in the Equity - Pharma category
DSP Healthcare Fund (G) fund has been the 9th best in 3Y performance in the Equity - Pharma category
Critical Parameters
Everyone of us wants to create wealth by investing in top funds. Have a look at the key parameters that you need to check before deciding to invest in a mutual fund.
In last 1 year DSP Healthcare Fund (G), has underperformed by -34.20% (CAGR difference)
Performance Chart for Rs
Invested in
For 0 out of Last 1 Months, i.e 0% of the times It underperformed its benchmark, Equity - Pharma
Consistency Meter
Outperforming Stocks Vs. Underperforming Stocks
Based on the last 1year analysis, currently there are, the benchmark the benchmark
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