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Market Snapshot
- BSE Sensex: 77710.29 0.72%
- BSE 500: 34592.74 0.67%
- BSE 200: 10796.24 0.69%
- BSE 100: 24848.26 0.75%
- BSE MidCap: 44664.4 0.44%
- BSE SmallCap: 52416.3 0.53%
- BSE BANKEX: 57797.32 0.72%
- BSE IT: 42187.34 1.55%
- Nifty 50: 23515.95 0.71%
- Nifty 500: 21965.2 0.66%
- Nifty 200: 13218.35 0.68%
- Nifty 100: 24314.65 0.74%
- Nifty Midcap 100: 54567.3 0.33%
- Nifty Small 100: 17674.85 0.44%
- Nifty IT: 42649.45 1.66%
- Nifty PSU Bank: 6462.9 2.28%
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- Euro to INR: 89.10 -0.25%
- Pound to INR: 106.88 -0.01%
- Yen to INR: 0.54 -0.74%
- Dollar to INR: 84.37 -0.03%
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