While you work hard to save more, invest your funds wisely to earn more. Liquid Fund schemes are an ideal investment which provide you with safety, liquidity and better returns. Liquid fund investments allow you to earn more on your idle funds to fund your short term goals typically with a time horizon of less than six months.
- Axis Liquid Fund
Growth - 1 Month - 6.64 %
- 3 Months - 7.27 %
- 6 Months - 6.94 %
- 1 Year - 6.86 %
- Reliance Liquid
Fund - TP - Growth - 1 Month - 6.55 %
- 3 Months - 7.22 %
- 6 Months - 6.89 %
- 1 Year - 6.81 %
- DSP BR Liquidity
Fund - Reg - Growth - 1 Month - 6.60 %
- 3 Months - 7.16 %
- 6 Months - 6.86 %
- 1 Year - 6.77 %
- ICICI Prudential
Liquid - Reg - Growth - 1 Month - 6.53 %
- 3 Months - 7.26 %
- 6 Months - 6.88 %
- 1 Year - 6.78 %
- Franklin India TMA
Super IP - Growth - 1 Month - 6.61 %
- 3 Months - 7.07 %
- 6 Months - 6.85 %
- 1 Year - 6.81 %
Compounded Annualised Returns as on May 15, 2018 | * Avg. 1 year returns for liquid fund category as on May 15, 2018 – 6.8% | Past performance is not an indicator of future returns
Compounded Annualised Returns as on May 15, 2018 | * Avg. 1 year returns for liquid fund category as on May 15, 2018 – 6.8% | Past performance is not an indicator of future returns